Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cinco de Mayo (Part 2)

While the Whole Foods down the street has been pretty good to me in terms of my beer purchases, it also poses a major problem.  Namely, you have to read the hell out of the labels if you don't want to sit in line at the register for a beer that winds up being much more expensive than you thought.

I can't find my camera, this is not Bohemia
Back in November, Phin and I went to Whole Foods because he saw a 6-pack of Bohemia for 4.99.  We had no idea what Bohemia was at the time, as we were really just starting to get into beer, but we hadn't heard of it being a notoriously bad beer, so we decided to give it a shot.

We grabbed it and went to the cash register, where the cashier told us we owed over 7 dollars.  Turns out the 4.99 beer we thought we found was stocked where some mini-bottles of Corona were supposed to be.  Sadly, it took me about a dozen more incidents like that before I made it a point to look closely at the labels.  Yeah...I can be a slow learner sometimes.

Anyway, a few weeks later I was at Woodmans and found the six pack for 5.99.  It's still not as good as the price we originally thought we had found, but for basically a dollar a bottle, it worked for me.  I brought 3 of the Bohemias back to Milwaukee and we had them with what I'd call homemade "street tacos".

Of all of the Mexican beers I've had, Bohemia is one of my two favorites (the other being Dos Equis Amber, which I'll review shortly).  It goes down easy and tastes pretty good.  While it doesn't have the flavor that a lot of beer reviewers look for, I find it to be pretty solid, with the flavor that it does have being good, unlike a lot of other cheap beers *cough* Tecate*cough cough*.  Add to it the story about how we went about getting it and I'd give it a solid B.

Have you had Bohemia? Do you agree with my take? Let us know in the comments!

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