Friday, December 24, 2010

The Glassware: Part 1

To everyone who has a passion for beer, what you're drinking out of is almost as important as what you're drinking.

Here at The 441, we've all got our favorite glasses.  With my first glassware article, I'm going to share another passion of mine with you.  Since I was a kid, I've loved basketball, college basketball in particular.  I decided to go to the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in part because they had an NCAA Division I  basketball team that had been extremely successful when I was in high school.  Once I got to UWM, I turned into a diehard fan of the Panthers.

As a result, one of my go-to glasses (and the one I'll be using tonight) is this Milwaukee Panther pint glass:

I got three of them from going to radio shows hosted by Milwaukee basketball coaches Rob Jeter and Sandy Botham.

Apologies to anybody who can tell that yes, this is in fact a Miller Lite glass.  I'll admit that if I'm low on funds and in the mood, I'll still crack open a Miller...or several (though after really getting into the craft scene, I'll feel bad about it.)

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